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Live template

Katterpennung This section uses the live {{Anchor}} version. The template is called in the middle of the bold words, showing that no extra whitespace is generated.

Here are anchors LiveTop and Live, top. Go to #LiveBottom or #Live, bottom.

Here are anchors Live{{Anchor|LiveTop}}Top and Li{{Anchor|Live, top}}ve, top.or 


Here are anchors LiveBottom and Live, bottom. Go to #LiveTop or #Live, top.

Here are anchors Live{{Anchor|LiveBottom}}Bottom and Li{{Anchor|Live, bottom}}ve, bottom.

<templatedata> { "params": {}, "description": "I was off by one letter. I was having brain fog." } </templatedata>

Sandbox template

This section uses the sandbox {{Anchor/sandbox}} version. The template is called in the middle of the bold words, showing that no extra whitespace is generated.

Visible error when more than 10 anchors: beforeafter

Visible error when more than 10 anchors: before{{Anchor/sandbox|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11}}after

Here are anchors SandTop and Sand, top. Go to #SandMid1, #Sand mid 2, #Sand, mid, 3, #SandBottom, #Sand, bottom.

Here are anchors Sand{{Anchor/sandbox|SandTop}}Top and Sa{{Anchor/sandbox|Sand, top}}nd, top.


Here are anchors SandMid1-2-3. Go to #SandTop, #Sand, top, #SandBottom, #Sand, bottom.

Here are anchors Sand{{Anchor/sandbox|SandMid1|Sand mid 2|Sand, mid, 3}}Mid1-2-3.


Here are anchors SandBottom and Sand, bottom. Go to #SandMid1, #Sand mid 2, #Sand, mid, 3, #SandTop, #Sand, top.

Here are anchors Sand{{Anchor/sandbox|SandBottom}}Bottom and Sa{{Anchor/sandbox|Sand, bottom}}nd, bottom.

(Nothing but empty space below.)