Gabriel Jones son of Ambrose Jones Sr. (1745-1838)

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Gabriel Jones son of Ambrose Sr. (1745-1838)

 Gabriel Jones, son of Ambrose Jones Sr. and Catherine Collins, died intestate, leaving no children. Gabriel's estate settlement lists all his brothers and sisters, in some cases a spouse and the children of his brothers and sisters. Also to note, this document clearly states two different Stephens: 1) as Stephen M. Jones and his wife, Catharine; 2) as Stephen Jones widow, Nancy Jones. This document lists the following children of Stephen & Nancy Jones, son of Ambrose Sr.,:

Catherine Jones (md) 1st)Henry Day, 2nd)Alexander Ellixion
Elizabeth Jones (md) 1) Rowland Clark
Rebecca Jones (md) 1) Samuel Wilkerson
Lucy Jones (md) 1) David Christopher
Susan Jones (md) 1) John Easley
Sally Jones (md) 1) Parham Brooks
Leah Jones (md) 1) Unknown
William Jones (dec)(md) 1) Nancy Unknown
Glover Jones (dec) (md) 1) Unknown

The children of Stephen Jones, son of Ambrose do not match the children of Stephen Jones of St. Mary's County, Maryland which are as follows:

Gabriel Jones (1771) (md) 1) Mary "Polly" Noe<br>
John Jones (1774) (md) 1) ____ Risener 2) _____ Noe<br>
Elijah Jones (1778) (md)<br>
Mary Ann Jones (1778)<br>
Zahariah Martin Jones (1787)<br>
Stephen Jones Sr. (1793)<br>
